St. Charles Borromeo
Catholic Church
21505 Augusta Avenue
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
Sacristans are parishioners who have had experience in one or more of our liturgical ministries such as Lector or Extraordinary Ministers. This ministry also welcomes new members at any time and is open to parishioners who have the desire to learn more about the Mass and the preparation of our liturgical celebrations.
Since most of the tasks take place in the Sacristy, this is a “behind the scenes” ministry. Sacristans support the presider and other liturgical ministers in the preparation for the celebration of the Eucharist. They carefully arrange the liturgical books and sacred vessels for each Mass and interact with the lectors and ministers of Holy Communion as needed at each liturgy.
The ministry of sacristan requires on-going formation so that the sacristans can assist our priests, other liturgical ministers and our worshiping community with a sense of grace and reverence at weekend and daily Masses.
For more information regarding this ministry,
please contact the Church Office
by phone at (941) 625-4754
or via email at info@stcbc.org.