St. Charles Borromeo
Catholic Church
21505 Augusta Avenue
Port Charlotte, FL 33952

Children's Faith Formation
(Pre-K through 5th Grade)

St. Charles Borromeo PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) is a vibrant, experiential, relational ministry that helps children in Pre-K through grade five to prepare to receive the Sacraments while growing in their knowledge and love of God and their Catholic faith.
St. Charles Borromeo PREP is an authentic, growth-filled program, changing annually to meet the needs of our students and their families. Parents are reminded that they are the primary educators of their children in the ways of the faith and St. Charles PREP provides a firm foundation and support system to faithfully assist parents in educating their children about the Catholic faith in accordance with the Deposit of Faith and the Magisterium of the Church, in line with the mission and guidelines of the Diocese of Venice in Florida.
It's never too late to register for Children's Faith Formation please download the Registration Packet below. Feel free to also download the Children's Faith Formation Calendar.
2024-2025 Children's Faith Formation, EDGE, & Youth Group Registration Form
2024-2025 Religious Education Calendar
Children's Faith Formation sessions began on Sunday, September 8th!
Children's Faith Formation meets on Sunday mornings. It is never too late to register! Our program begins with our 9:00 AM Family Mass, followed by check-in in the Parish Center at 10:15 AM for children in Pre-K through grade five. After check-in, students are dismissed to classrooms for grade-level lessons at 10:30 AM. Some Sundays may feature special family events, and parents are encouraged to stay for the entire session.
Sacramental Preparation (First Reconciliation/First Communion) - Children normally prepare for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation through a two-year program in first and second grades, but older children who may have missed out on their Sacraments, can enter our program as well. Contact us for more information regarding the reception of these beautiful sacraments.
More Information
For more information about our Faith Formation opportunities at St. Charles Borromeo Parish, or to discuss ways you can serve God’s children, youth, and adults by volunteering with the our Faith Formation team, please contact the Faith Formation office by phone at (941) 585-0668, via email at faithformation@stcbc.org, or by using the contact form on the right.