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Sacrament Preparation

The Roman Catholic Church offers seven Sacraments which  are "efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us."  The purpose of the Sacraments is to "sanctify people, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God. Because they are signs they also instruct." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1131,1123)


For details on each Sacrament, go to our Sacraments pages.  A general explanation appears below.

Through the Sacraments, our Lord Jesus Christ makes Himself present to faithful Catholics in a special and powerful way, and bestows special graces for healing, strength and mission.  Special preparation is needed for each Sacrament, just as we prepare for all the special encounters of our lives.


The Sacraments are:

  • Baptism - the first Sacrament of Initiation

  • Eucharist - a Sacramental encounter with our Lord Jesus

  • Confirmation - A Sacrament of Initiation provided to strengthen us with an increase of the gist of the Holy Spirit for evangelization by word and actions

  • Reconciliation (aka Penance or Confession) - For spiritual healing and absolution of sins

  • Anointing of the Sick -  No preparation is needed.  The Sacrament is given by Christ to strengthen body and spirit in times of serious physical or emotional illness, or when we are facing major surgeries.  Call the parish office for this Sacrament.  The priest can come to you, or if you are well enough, you can come in for a private appointment.

  • Holy Orders (Priesthood & Diaconate) - Preparation is provided by our Diocese.  The Sacrament is given to prepare priests to shepherd God's people.  Call the Parish office to get connected to the Diocesan office of Vocations.

  • Marriage - To prepare a couple, one man and one woman, for becoming one flesh and building a strong Catholic family, the Domestic Church.  Preparation is required, call the Parish office for details.

Preparation is required to ensure that individuals understand and are spiritually ready for each Sacrament. To inquire about Holy Orders, call the Parish Office at 941-625-4754.  To inquire about preparation for Baptism, Marriage, Eucharist, Reconciliation, or Confirmation for adults or children/youth call the Faith Formation Office at 941-585-0668.

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