St. Charles Borromeo
Catholic Church
21505 Augusta Avenue
Port Charlotte, FL 33952

Parish Faith Formation
(For All Ages)

Note: It's not too late to register for Children's Faith Formation (PREP), EDGE (Middle School), and LifeTeen (Youth Group)! You may download a registration form, fill it out, and turn it in at the Faith Formation Office in the Ministry Center Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Children's Faith Formation, EDGE, & Youth Group sessions began on Sunday, September 8th!
The Faith Formation programs of St. Charles Borromeo Parish seek to provide children, youth, and adults with the knowledge, experiences, spirituality, moral compass, and skills necessary to become (and remain) faithful disciples of Christ. When we share our faith with others, we share in Jesus' own mission of proclaiming the Kingdom of God. Great care is taken with children, youth, and adults to help ensure a life of strong faith.
Are you new to our parish? Click here to download a parish campus map that will guide you to Mass, Religious Education sessions, and special events.
If you have any questions or comments about Faith Formation, please contact our Director of Religious Education (DRE) at (941) 585-0668 or via email at faithformation@stcbc.org.
Vacation Bible School 2024! "Shining Jesus' Light!"

Faith Formation Programs
Children's Faith Formation (Grades PreK-5) meets on Sunday mornings. Our program begins with our 9:00 AM Family Mass, followed by check-in in the Parish Center at 10:15 AM. After check-in students are dismissed to classrooms for grade-level lessons at 10:30 AM. Some Sundays may feature special family events and parents are encouraged to stay for the entire session.
EDGE (Grades 6-8) meets on Sunday evenings. EDGE begins with the Youth Mass at 5:30 PM, dinner at 6:45 PM, and EDGE from 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM.
LIFETEEN Youth Group (Grades 9-12) meets on Sunday evenings. Youth Group begins with the Youth Mass at 5:30 PM, dinner at 6:45 PM, and LifeNight from 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM. Click here for more details on Youth Group.
Vacation Bible School is held each year in June. Games, music, skits, crafts, Bible verses, and Catholic teaching! See our Faith Formation Calendar for details.
To register for Children's Faith Formation, EDGE, or Youth Group, please download the Registration Packet below. Feel free to also download the Children's Faith Formation, EDGE, and Youth Group Calendar as well as the Faith Formation Handbook.
2024-2025 Children's Faith Formation, EDGE, & Youth Group Registration Form
2024-2025 Religious Education Calendar
Adult Faith Formation - St. Charles Borromeo Parish will be offering various Adult Faith Formation opportunities throughout the year, including bible studies, faith sharing sessions, lenten small groups, and more. Watch the bulletin for information on these Adult Faith Formation events.
Sacrament Preparation and OCIA for Adults, Children and Youth - Children normally prepare for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation through a two-year program in first and second grades, but older children who may have missed out on their Sacraments, can enter our program as well. Confirmation preparation for youth is a two-year program which takes place during grades 9 and 10 but other teenagers under age 18 may also participate. Confirmation Preparation will take place on Sunday Mornings, separate from Youth Group.
To register to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, please download the Confirmation Candidate Registration Forms below. Feel free to also download the Confirmation Session Calendar as well.
2024-2025 Confirmation Candidate Registration Form
2024-2025 Religious Education Calendar
OCIA for Adults, Children and Youth - The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process whereby adults enter the Catholic Church. OCIA classes are held weekly and over the course of several months. Those who attend are educated on what the Catholic Church believes and are given the opportunity to ask question about those beliefs. Just because you start OCIA, doesn’t mean that you are committed to finish. If you are merely curious about what Catholicism is, please feel free to join us. All are welcome. If you are considering initiation into the Catholic faith, or you were baptized Catholic but missed out on Reconciliation, Eucharist, or Confirmation, please feel free to contact our DRE at (941) 585-0668 or via email at faithformation@stcbc.org for more information.
To register for OCIA, please download the OCIA Inquirer Questionnaire Form below. Feel free to also download the OCIA Session Calendar as well.
2024-2025 OCIA Adult Inquirer Form
OCIA Sessions began August 5th and are held each Monday evening in the Ministry Center at 6:30 PM.
Catechists & Substitutes Needed for Faith Formation
Catechists echo the Word of God and the traditions of the Church. Being a Catechist or an assistant is an important and extremely rewarding ministry. It is through the guidance of people like you that the faith is passed on to succeeding generations. We are seeking Catechists and assistants to share the gift of our faith with our children, youth, and adults. Catechists must be confirmed Catholics who pray and participate in the Sacraments. No experience necessary, training and materials will be provided! Please prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to share your talents as a catechist for St. Charles Borromeo Parish.
Other Adult Faith Formation Opportunities - Additional Adult Faith Formation opportunities are available through various parish ministry groups, such as Couples for Christ, Legion of Mary, Grief Support, and more. Watch the bulletin for more details about these ministries.
If you feel you are being called to serve as a catechist, please download our Catechist Application Form below. You may complete it at home and then make an appointment with our Director of Religious Education at (941) 585-0668 or via email at faithformation@stcbc.org to explore your options!
2024-2025 Catechist Application Form
More Information
For more information about our Faith Formation opportunities at St. Charles Borromeo Parish, or to discuss ways you can serve God’s children, youth, and adults by volunteering with the our Faith Formation team, please contact the Faith Formation office by phone at (941) 585-0668, via email at faithformation@stcbc.org, or by using the contact form on the right.